MEC Profile- Findit
Symbol FDIT Profiled @ .0073
Currently .045
Business Description
Findit, Inc. owns which is a Social Media Campaign Management interactive search engine platform that provides Members the ability to post, share and manage their content. Once they have posted in Findit we ensure the content gets indexed in Findit Search results. Findit provides an open platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now. Status Updates posted in Findit can be crawled by outside search engines to assist in additional organic indexing. All post can be shared to another eight prominent social and bookmarking sites. Findit provides Real Estate Agents the ability to create their own Findit Site where they can pull in their listing and others through their IDX account. Findit also offers News and Press Release Distribution. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals, entrepreneurs and artists. Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites:,,, and
We provide everyone the ability to create a free site on Findit. Every Findit site can create posts and share to your social accounts, getting your content indexed. Creating Findit sites is easy and the results provide more visibility.
Findit provides a social media content management platform that gives members the ability to post shareable status updates up to 6000 characters unlike Twitter that limits you to 140.
The Findit App is now available for Android Devices on Google Play and soon at the Apple Store
Raymond W. Firth
President & Chief Executive Officer, Findit, Inc.
Mr. Raymond W. Firth is President & Chief Executive Officer at Findit, Inc. Mr. Firth was previously employed as President & Director by Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. and President & Director by Sharewell Capital Group, Inc.
Latest News
Findit To Roll Out Several New Features On The Findit App And To The Website
Sep 22, 2017
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Atlanta, GA –
Findit, Inc. a Nevada Corporation which owns will be rolling out several new features in the coming weeks. The features will be implemented on its App that is now available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for IOS and Android users.
The new features to the App will be messaging and viewing followers/friends. These features are already available on the web version of Findit. Adding these two features to the App will provide App members the ability to send messages internally to other members in Findit along with viewing who is following them and who is following other members. The followers addition will help to get visitors on Findit more engaged viewing other members About page and scrolling through their Right Now post feed. Overall this will assist Findit in increasing time on site and page views per visitors.
The other features Findit will be adding will be additions to the App and the web based version of Findit. They will include a Like feature, the global feed displaying all recent Right Now posts even those without images and a new News layout in the website in each members Findit site.
Currently and the App only display posts in the global feed that include pictures. By including Right Now posts that do include images, members that are not including images will still be able to have their posts placed in front of members that scroll through the Global feed. This will increase views to these posts that otherwise will go unnoticed unless you are already following the member.
Peter Tosto stated These features have been on our to-do list and we are getting them done now due to the sheer importance of increasing engagement amongst Findit members. Adding the like feature along with showing posts that do not have pictures but could include a video, a link, an audio file or only text is important that we make all content posted in Findit available to view by all members.
Findit also has updated the App to include flagging objectionable content, the option to block a members feed from displaying when the member is signed in, and reporting content to Findit that members may view as inappropriate. This feature will be added to as well.
Findit will keep our community informed as these new features go live.
To download the Findit App for IOS devices please visit the Apple App Store
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Mr. Peter Tosto Interviews on the Unique Platform of and the New App Released at the Apple Store
Sep 21, 2017
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Atlanta, GA., , Sept. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Peter Tosto the Marketing Director of Findit, Inc. (OTCPink:FDIT) was interviewed on the Uptick Network Stock Day Podcast with host Everett Jolly. Mr. Tosto highlights the Findit web platform that gives useful features to its members to apply additional details to their social media brandings such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. and the benefits of this highly creative, open platform. Since the purchase of in 2014, Mr. Tosto elaborates on the service products that bring in revenue for the company, what the members can purchase for their own use and the positive outcome of branding from the service products provided. Mr. Tosto elaborates on the new app that was recently launched at the Apple Store and the technical feature side behind the new app with Findit. Furthermore, Mr. Tosto discusses the future plans for the Findit app in 2018 and what other resourceful features will be integrated to upgrade their app for the benefit of their members.
In closing of the interview Mr. Peter Tosto states, “Findit is set up to do things that are a little bit different from other social sites. The public aspect of Findit isn’t private, it gives people the ability to see each other’s content, gives the search engines a way to find that content and index it,” continuing Mr. Tosto closes with a strong statement, “We want to encourage people to download the app, use it on a daily basis to build their brand, their business, their reputation and to take advantage of the organic indexing that happens and the sharing capabilities. And make sure when you do a post on Findit that you go back and share your own post to your own social sites. Don’t wait for someone else to do it, make sure you are reposting it right away, that’s what really gets it going.”
To listen to the full interview please click here or the following link:
To download the Findit App in Apple App Store please Click Here and to download the Findt App in Google Play Store please Click Here.
About Findit®, Inc.
Findit, Inc. owns which is a Social Media Campaign Management interactive search engine platform that provides Members the ability to post, share and manage their content. Once they have posted in Findit we ensure the content gets indexed in Findit Search results. Findit provides an open platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now. Status Updates posted in Findit can be crawled by outside search engines to assist in additional organic indexing. All post can be shared to another eight prominent social and bookmarking sites. Findit provides Real Estate Agents the ability to create their own Findit Site where they can pull in their listing and others through their IDX account. Findit also offers News and Press Release Distribution. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals, entrepreneurs and artists. Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites:
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Findit, Inc. (OTC Pinksheets FDIT) Apple® Approves Findit App Now Available in Apple App Store
Sep 18, 2017
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Atlanta, GA –
Findit, Inc. (OTC Pinksheets FDIT) Launches Findit App for IOS users in Apple App Store
Findit, Inc. (OTC PINK: FDIT) a Nevada Corporation based in Atlanta, Georgia, is proud to announce the Findit App launched and is now available for download on IOS devices in Apple ® App Store.
The App provides people the ability to view and search content posted to Findit without joining and the ability for people to join Findit to post content that they would like posted to an open platform that enable s anyone to view the content posted. Each post can be shares and crawled by search engines. This creates additional indexing in organic search results along with more social engagement to a variety of social networks outside of Findit.
Findit provides members that post content the ability to do so either from the App version or at Each post can be shared to other social sites that include Facebook (FB), Google + (GOOG), Twitter (TWTR), Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr and additional social and bookmarking sites.
This unique option of sharing to outside social sites is not offered on current popular social sites that include Instagram and Twitter.
Findit posts can be crawled by search engines and every post has the ability to be indexed organically in search results. Findit members experience tangible search results in Google, Yahoo and Bing from the posts they create from the App.
The benefit of having posts shared to other social accounts including the person who created the post and indexing in search engines is imperative when you want to reach more people to increase your overall online social presence along with your overall organic indexing in search engines.
How does this happen: It starts with posting content through your Findit account in the Right Now section. This is our answer to status updates.
Findit consists of several content verticals that can be combined in one single post. The App version provides anyone who wants to create a post the ability to include up to six thousand characters in one post, a picture or pictures (no limit), include a link to direct people where you want them to click and go to as well as adding a video from either YouTube or Vimeo.
Who uses Findit:
People that do not want their posts to be limited as to who can see them and share them this includes anyone that want their content that they post to be indexed in Findit search results, outside search engines and shared to other social sites.
Posts can be shared to Twitter which will pull your followers from Twitter to your Findit Post. The result the Follower on Twitter receives is your post on Findit can be much more in depth instead of being limited to 140 characters.
President Trump for example an avid Twitter user often has to do several Tweets to get out one single message. President Trump on Findit could do one post that could include 6,000 characters versus 140 characters on Twitter thereby clearly getting out his message in its entirety. This would prevent news outlets from seeing one Tweet that is attached to several others but picking one to use as what he said which often changes the message.
Former President Barack Obama can also use Findit to reach more people that may not be following him on Twitter. This holds true for anyone who is using Twitter currently and has more to say than what can be fit into 140 characters.
Instagram members will be able to increase their reach and build their brand by posting pictures in their Findit account and sharing them to their other social accounts and having them indexed in search engines. Instagram accounts allow anyone to follow you unless you set up your account settings to private. Anyone on Instagram whose account is not set to private can increase the amount of people they want to reach with each post by creating the same post in Findit or one that can easily be expanded to include a link back to a web page they want their followers to visit along with giving visitors to their Findit posts the option of sharing their post to other social sites. These people can share your posts do not even need to be members on Findit or be following you, they can simply see your pictures and posts and share them.
News services will benefit from Findit. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC and others would now have a platform that they could put up substantive content with a link back to the story on their news site while giving visitors the ability to get a clear picture of a news event and the ability to help spread the news to more platforms immediately from Findit.
It doesn’t stop here for Findit; Car manufacturers, musicians, artists, so many people can now reach so many more people by downloading the Findit App or posting to the web version and having the content that they want shared and indexed to everyone finally shared and indexed. Very little is private so take advantage of Findit and control your content.
How much does Findit cost:
Findit is free to join.
Paid for Services:
Inside the Findit App, we provide a link to one of our web based products that we call Keyword URL. A Keyword URL is a unique URL extension that members can purchase. Once a URL is purchased no one else can have the same URL in Findit.
The URLs are beneficial in two main ways.
People can purchase a Keyword URL that could be their first name, first and last name, last name, and name of their business, name of the movie, song, something specific or a phrase.
To increase and improve the probability of indexing in Findit search and outside search engines.
Keyword URLs are currently priced at $99.00 per year and our available with monthly pricing. URLs are renewable each month or yearly depending on which plan members select.
To Download Findit for IOS Devices visit Apple App Store or Google Play Store and type in Findit, Inc. Findit.
About Findit®, Inc.
Findit, Inc. owns which is a Social Media Campaign Management interactive search engine platform that provides Members the ability to post, share and manage their content. Once they have posted in Findit we ensure the content gets indexed in Findit Search results. Findit provides an open platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now. Status Updates posted in Findit can be crawled by outside search engines to assist in additional organic indexing. All post can be shared to another eight prominent social and bookmarking sites. Findit provides Real Estate Agents the ability to create their own Findit Site where they can pull in their listing and others through their IDX account. Findit also offers News and Press Release Distribution. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals, entrepreneurs and artists. Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites:,,, and
Safe Harbor Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Findit®, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Findit®, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.
Raymond Firth
Latest News Release
Findit Resubmits Findit App to Apple App Store
Sep 10, 2017
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Atlanta, GA –
Findit, Inc. has resubmitted the Findit App to Apple Store with new features.
Findit, Inc., (OTC PINK: FDIT) owner of has complied with requirements from Apple after the submission of the Findit App. Apple required updates for members to report objectionable content, flagging and blocking members. The updates have been completed and the App has been resubmitted to Apple as of September 9th, 2017.
Raymond Firth states “We have been in contact with Apple and they have been incredibly helpful in clarifying the features Findit had to include in order for Apple to approve the Findit App for IOS users.”
The new features include reporting objectionable content, flagging posts and blocking members. The features went live September 8th, 2017 for members that have downloaded the App through Google Play Store.
The App is free to download. It is named Findit. The App provides existing members and new members the ability to post a wide range of content free and have that content viewed by members and non-members of Findit. Findit brings people everywhere that are seeking to garner indexing and sharing from their social posts that ability. Posts to Findit can be searched and shared resulting and indexing in and more social engagement. The results can be seen in Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest along with other search engines and social sites.
Findit will begin its marketing campaign once the App is approved by Apple. The marketing will include Boosted posts through Facebook (FB) Tweets done through Twitter (TWTR) and possibly a PPC campaign through Google (GOOG).
You can Join Findit and create your free account in preparation for the launch of the app in the Apple App Store. Anyone that is looking for an increase in organic indexing in outside search engines and more social sharing on their status updates will find that Findit is the solution they have been looking for.
With the rollout of Findits App, Findit anticipates new members joining and existing members posting more content from the App that they want seen shared and indexed.
Get the most out of your social status updates by posting to Findit first.
The Findit App is currently available to Android users through the Google Pay Store.
Latest News Release
Findit, Inc. Rolls Out Revamped Picture Galleries and Individual Picture Pages with New Clean Layout
Sep 05, 2017
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Atlanta, GA –
Findit, Inc. (OTC PINK: FDIT) continues to revamp with new layouts and in new features.
The newest section in Findit to be revamped is Pictures. Each Findit member has the ability to upload pictures into their Findit site. Members can create individual galleries that can consist of as many or little photos as they want. Currently individual pictures can be shared by members and non-members visiting the page the picture is displayed on. Pictures can be pulled into a members Right Now post and typically receive more views when members do right now status updates in Findit. Findit is a social media content management platform that when combined with other social sites, the interactions have been seen to increase and overall organic indexing in search engines improves.
Clark St. Amant stated One of the core purposes of Findit is to assist members in reaching a wider audience through social engagement that originates from content posted in Findit from the web based platform or through the Findit App.
2. LinkedIn
3. Twitter
4. Google +
5. Pinterest and more
Findit is an open platform meaning that anyone, anywhere, member or not can view posts on Findit without signing in as well as share posts that they want to their social networks. Moreover, outside search engines have the ability to crawl each post and index them.The revamped Picture section is mobile responsive which attracts more users and visitors from all devices.
Findit offers Keyword URLs that are effective when members post to their Findit accounts. A Findit Keyword URL is an extension of, for example ‘’ A Findit Keyword URL has two functions, the first being that it gives people an easy way to find you in Findit that are looking for you, your goods, or your services. Secondly, it allows you to target specific keywords that you are trying to index for in outside search engines., is owned by a real estate agent in Lake Tahoe that creates content within his Findit Site geared towards real estate services in Lake Tahoe.
Latest News Release
SOURCE: Findit, Inc
August 31, 2017 08:30 ET
ER Advisors, LLC Selects Findit, Inc. to Design and Build Corporate Website
ATLANTA, GA–(Marketwired – Aug 31, 2017) – Findit, Inc. (OTC PINK: FDIT) announces ER Advisors’ corporate website is now live.
ER Advisors, LLC, which was formed earlier this year by Edward Russo, an environmental expert and consultant to President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization for the past 15 years, selected Findit, Inc. to build and design their corporate website. ER Advisors COO Dean Porter made the decision to hire Findit, Inc., owner of, to build out their fully responsive website based on previous work that Findit provided Mr. Porter and his law firm.
ER Advisors, LLC, a privately held consulting firm that was launched in early 2017 after President Trump was elected, will be setting up their first office in Atlanta, Georgia and wanted a local web design firm to design and develop their site and provide future maintenance. Findit, Inc. owns, which is a social media content management platform along with several other sites. In addition to owning and operating, the company provides a full range of web design and development services. The development of the new site is already underway and will be going live in stages. Findit is building a fully responsive website for ER Advisors to have an online web presence to aid ER Advisors in their endeavors to provide consulting and advising services to corporations on future environmental policies.
Edward Russo has served for the past 17 years as the head of environmental policy and compliance in the Trump Organization for all resort property developments in the United States and internationally. Mr. Russo launched ER Advisors in order to help major companies, utilities, governmental agencies both domestic and international, navigate future environmental policies of the Trump Administration. While the firm does not offer legal or lobbying services, ER Advisors will provide advice and guidance to professional service providers such as law firms relating to environmental issues and policies.
“ understood our unique business needs and created the right message and image for our website. I highly recommend them.” — Ed Russo; Chairman,
Mr. Russo will be joined by Dean Porter as Chief Operating Officer at ER Advisors. Dean Porter is a longstanding attorney and worked as an investment banker with Mr. Russo prior to the launch of ER Advisors.
ER Advisors is opening its offices in Atlanta, Georgia, until the office is opened and website is live; please direct all inquiries regarding ER Advisors to Dean D. Porter, Chief Operating Officer:
Dean D. Porter (843) 607-2400 (mobile direct) (email)
Findit provides a social media content management platform that gives members the ability to post shareable status updates up to 6000 characters unlike Twitter that limits you to 140.
The Findit App is now available for Android Devices in the Google Play store download it today.
About Findit®, Inc. Findit, Inc. owns, which is�a�Social Media Campaign Management�interactive search engine platform that provides Members the ability to post, share and manage their content. Once they have posted in Findit we ensure the content gets indexed in Findit Search results. Findit provides an open platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now. Status Updates posted in Findit can be crawled by outside search engines to assist in additional organic indexing. All posts can be shared to outside social and bookmarking sites. Findit provides Real Estate Agents the ability to create their own Findit Site where they can pull in their listing and others through their IDX account. Findit also offers News and Press Release Distribution. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals, entrepreneurs and artists. Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites:,,, and
Corporate Website
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